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Spring Cleaning | 5 Tips to declutter your home

Check out our tips on how to declutter your home for the Spring/Summer season! With that, we hope these tips make that daunting task a little more simple.

1. Rearrange Furniture

A simple and effective way to have your home feel decluttered is rearranging furniture or taking some furniture away. Not only is decluttering your home about getting rid of stuff you don’t need anymore, but it also allows you to rethink the interior design and layout. Being able to take out bulky items to allow the space to breathe and look fresh is a great way to declutter. Some items can be more useful in other rooms and serve a whole new purpose when put in a different room. 

2. 3-6 months rule

This rule is a good logical way to get rid of things you really haven’t used lately without feeling like you might use them in the future. So, if you haven’t used or even thought about a certain item within the last 3-6 months, or it has been stored away, then it is time to say goodbye. 

3. Obtain a process

Spring cleaning or decluttering in general can seem overwhelming, especially when you are working in many different rooms. Something that can help is to go room by room and have certain piles or categories to allocate to. For example, having a sell, donate or throw away pile, allows you to stay organized and be able to keep unwanted things where they belong. 

4. Organization is key

It is so much easier to stay organized when your space is already organized. While also decluttering a room, it might be a good idea to start thinking up some ways to keep it clean/organized. For example, storage baskets or bins are a great way to keep any space organized. Using storage baskets for a closet or even your pantry allows you to always know what is in there and will ultimately make the next spring-cleaning mission much easier. 

5. Get started!

One of the hardest things about decluttering or spring cleaning is trying to start the daunting task. Which room should I start in? how long is it going to take? how can I organize my overfilling closet? Take a deep breath and realize, no one said you had to do it all in one weekend. Break it up into chunks and it’ll make the task so much easier to accomplish. 

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